  • 세계금융위기 원인, 과제, 전망(영문)
    The U.S. sub-prime financial crisis of 2008 was caused by sharp house price increases in 2006 called “housing bubbles.” This not only caused overvaluation of house prices but also excessive borrowing. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two government agencies who created the secondary market for mortgage-backed securities, bought and held conforming mortgages and turned a similar amount of home loan
    2010-07-15 | 1,400원 | 29p | 세계금융위기 금융 세계 위기 원인   세계금융위기 원인, 과제, 전망(영문)
  • [마케팅전략] 코카콜라 마케팅전략(영문)
    Journal, inviting thirsty citizens to try "the new and popular soda fountain drink." Hand-painted oilcloth signs reading "Coca-Cola" appeared on store awnings, with the suggestion "Drink" added to inform passersby that the new beverage was for soda fountain refreshment. During the first year, sales averaged a modest nine drinks per day. Dr. Pemberton never realized the potential of the beverage
    2009-05-08 | 2,100원 | 33p | of and in CocaCola to Coca Cola The was   [마케팅전략] 코카콜라 마케팅전략(영문)
  • Current Liability and Payroll account
    Payable When a company issues an interest-bearing note, the amount of assets it receives upon issuance of the note generally equals the note’s face value. Cole Williams Co. therefore will receive $100,000 cash and will make the following journal entry. Note Payable Sept.1 Cash Notes Payable (To record issuance of 12%, 4-month note to First National Bank) 100,000 100,000 Note Payable
    2016-04-16 | 1,000원 | 44p | Current Liability and Payroll account
  • 단일 대상 연구보고서
    Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis): 베어 등(Bear et al., 1968)이 1968년 단일 대상 연구 논문 검토한 ‘응용행동 논문 분석집’ 발간 *응용적(Applied) -연구의 대상이 되는 문제에 사회가 보이는 관심 *행동적(Behavior) - 연구의 실용적인 속성(실제 개인의 행동에 초점, 행동에 대한 수량화, 체계적인 관찰, 행동의 변
    2016-04-16 | 800원 | 6p | 단일 대상 연구보고서
  • 영문 Julian Po 줄리안 포 영화 대사
    bearings, and go. No ones going to stop me. Ill leave tomorrow. You a nigger? What? Nigger blood. You know... maybe your granddaddy, your grandmama way back. No. Not that I know of. No. Well, theres something dark about you. Um, I was just going. I left the key with your sister up there. Where are you going? Im on my way to the ocean. Yeah? You in trouble with the law? No. Then why run if you ain
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 줄리안   영문 Julian Po 줄리안 포 영화 대사
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